Question: Write a paragraph on “Good teacher” in about 250 words.
Answer: (253 words)
Good teacher paragraph
A good teacher is a person who bears all the qualities of a teacher. He teaches not only with the mind but also with the heart. In the classroom, he holds his audience’s attention first and then teaches his lessons to the students. He teaches not only textbook materials but also the truth that’s happening outside. He tries to bring own learning into the real world. He discovers the hidden treasures inside each student. He communicates with the students well. He understands the student’s feelings and delivers his lesson with empathy. The main duty of a teacher is to help the students to acquire knowledge, skill, and virtue. Generally, a teacher must take the preparation for his effective lessons, grade student’s work, manage classroom materials and act as a team with other stuff. But a good teacher builds a strong foundation of knowledge and gathers real-world experiences. He uses many support materials to explain the lesson joyfully among the students. He is active and smart in the classroom. He always thinks to improve teaching techniques and tries to produce quality students. A good teacher must have moral character and honesty. He raises motherly love to teach their students. He is patient in managing classroom behavior, working with colleagues, communicating with the students and student’s parents. A good teacher is not only a good teacher but also a good learner. As a potter moulds clay into a pot, so as a good teacher moulds life of a student. He is an architect of a nation.
10 qualities of a good teacher
Teaching with heart
It is a spontaneous trend of a good teacher. Generally, teaching is the act of telling instructions to the learners in the classroom situation. In traditional classroom teaching, the teacher provides information and instruction to the students. This traditional process of teaching is not sufficient enough to interact or to make any change of knowledge or skill to the students in the classroom. But a good teacher does the same thing by using the heart (affection) to the pupils. He can measure the real change of the students after providing teaching.
Sufficient background knowledge
Knowledge is power. It is a primary task of a teacher to enrich his background knowledge on lesson which is essential for imparting information to the students. A good teacher builds a strong foundation of knowledge on the textbook. He also gathers real-world experience to balance his knowledge with the world.
Varieties of students are learning in the classroom. The styles of learning of the students are also different. Some learn faster and some learn slower than normal. It is the sense of the teacher to keep this idea in mind and show empathy in all the situations facing in the classroom.
Moral character
A teacher should grow motherly love to the students. He must possess a good moral character and honesty in all his activities. In the war of teaching and learning, the most victorious element is morality.
Good Communication skills
In effective teaching, strong communication skills are a must. Good communication with the students can create an excellent favourable atmosphere for teaching and learning. It can overcome fear and inactivity of the students in the classroom.
Flexibility and Adaptability
In the classroom, every teacher must possess the two most important qualities. They are Flexibility and Adaptability that go hand-in-hand with one another. Flexibility is the idea that your plans can change very quickly and adaptability is the ability to adapt to change.
Collaborating well
When teachers collaborate well and share information, resources, ideas, and expertise, learning becomes more accessible and effective for students.
Being able to engage students
Engaging students in learning activities is an important quality of a teacher. It increases a student’s attention and critical thinking skill.
Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet. It is a virtue. A good teacher who holds this quality is very patient with their students in any situation. Every teacher should have this great virtue. They should try to apply different ways to achieve the goal in the classroom.
Listen well
To be a good teacher, one of the most important skills is listening well. This quality helps a teacher to understand his students well. This understanding opens a door for the students learning and helps the teacher to reach the students position where they are.
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