What is letter?
A letter is a type of composition which is sent to a person to express feeling, attitude, information and opinion etc. of others. It can be an electronic document or a printed paper or even hand writing document that conveys message from one person to another through a medium.
Today there are two main types of letters.
- Personal letter
- Official letter
What is personal letter?
A personal letter is a type of letter which is confined among father, mother, brothers, sisters relatives, friends or even any unknown persons if it is for unofficial purposes. It is also called informal letter.
What is official letter?
An official letter is written for official purposes that as a rule convey institutional dignity. It is often called formal letter.
This type of letter has some category.
- Letter of application
- Public letter or Letter to a newspaper or an editor
- Business letter
- Letter of complaint etc.
The General Layout of a Letter
Parts of a Letter: There are generally 6 parts of a letter.
- DATE: This is the section in which the writer of a letter includes the date of writing.
- ADDRESS: Addressing means approaching somebody in the appropriate way. This includes the designation of the person written to and their identifying address.
- SUBJECT: This section presents the purpose of the letter.
- GREETING/ SALUTATION: In this section the writer of the letter directly calls the person written to by the relationship. The salutation is usally worded as
Dear Madam or Sir:
Dear Mother:
Dear Sir:
5. BODY: This is the main part of the letter. This part contains the message that needs to be sent.
This part can be divided into three parts.
- Introduction:
- Middle
- End
6. CLOSING: In this section the writer presents himself to the reader in a direct or personal manner.
Some closing expressions are:
Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
Best regards,
Letter of Application
Format of formal Letter:

A List of some important Application and Letter writing for the students
- Application for not to allow the cell phone in the exam hall.
- Write a letter to your friend about your aim in life.
- Application to the principal for permission to stage a drama.
- Application to the principal of your college for opening a common room.
- Application to the UNO for relief materials for the flood-affected people.
- Application to the principal of your college to open a relief camp at your college premises.
- Application to the principal for setting up a canteen in the college.
- Application to the principal for setting up a computer club in the college.
- Application to the principal of your college for increasing library facilities.