Question: Write a paragraph on “Traffic education” on the basis of the answers to the following questions in about 200 words.
- What is traffic education?
- What does traffic education teach us?
- How can we save our life on the road?
- How can we minimize death on the road?
- How can we provide traffic education to the people?
Answer: (204 words)
Traffic education paragraph
Traffic education is a special type of education that teaches us the traffic rules and regulations. To learn about traffic safety is the goal of traffic education. Everyday many people like drivers, pedestrians and passengers are involved with the road traffic. They need to learn the rules of traffic to avoid accident on the road. Traffic education teaches us not to drink while driving, not use cell-phone while driving, not to cut short a lane, not to drive in over speed etc. It also teaches us the rules and regulations of traffic, traffic signals, accident prevention tips, traffic control, etc to minimize accidents and traffic jams on the road. Traffic rule Violation on the street may cause severe hazards to our life and property. According to the WHO report, more than one million people are killed on the world’s roads and streets each year. Simple preventive measures can minimize the number of death on the road. So, we must take traffic education. Traffic education for road users can easily be provided by using media, T.V, and video. In many countries, traffic education starts from primary school. In short, we can say that to stay safe on the road traffic education is essential for us.
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