Question: Write a paragraph on load shedding based on the answers to the following questions.
- What does load shedding mean?
- When does load shedding occur?
- What problems does load shedding cause?
- What should we do to stop load shedding?
Answer: (56 words)
Load shedding paragraph
Discontinuation of the supply of electricity is known as load shedding. It is mainly caused by the less production of power than demand. It also may be caused by the unplanned distribution of electricity. Nowadays it has become a common problem in our country. And at present, it acts as a barricade for making digital Bangladesh. In time of load shedding the whole areas drop in darkness. The students cannot study at home. The businessman cannot run their business. Mills, factories, and industries remain stop. Domestic life becomes painful. The foods in the refrigerator get rotten. The patients also terribly suffer for load shedding Operations are stopped. Government should take urgent steps to increase the production of electricity. Alternative production of power can also minimize the sufferings of the people for load shedding. People should stop the misuse of electricity. Everybody should realize it that the availability of electricity is the precondition of making digital Bangladesh.
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