Child labour paragraph

Question: Write a paragraph on “Child labour” on the basis of the answer to the following questions in about 200 words.

  • What is child labour?
  • Who are child labourers?
  • How do they earn their livelihood?
  • What is the suffering of their life?
  • How can we stop child labour?


Child labour paragraph

Child labour is defined as work that brings little money for the children but does not bring schooling, dignity, mental and physical development. During the Industrial Revolution, child labour increases to a great extent in the world. The children who are engaged in child labour are the child labourer. Children are the future of a nation. They should be brought up properly for building a better society. But when a child engages in hard work, society loses all its expectations. Usually, a child never wants to work hard. But surroundings force him/her to do so. Poverty is the main cause of child labour. In Bangladesh, most of the children work in factories, restaurants, and shops. Some children work as street hawkers. Some are found breaking stones for building. Girls are more likely to do domestic work, such as cleaning, washing, making food and serving. Sometimes they work hard but do not get their legal payment. They are usually treated very unkindly at their working places. Usually, they do not get sufficient food and as a result, they suffer from many diseases and malnutrition. Our government should take proper measures to stop child labour in our country. Overall, public awareness can reduce child labour.

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