Street children paragraph


Write street children paragraph addressing the following questions.

  • Who are street children?
  • Where do they sleep?
  • What is their dress?
  • How do they earn their livelihood?
  • When do they seem to be important?

Answer 01:

Street children paragraph

The children who live on the streets are called street children. Their way of living is very pathetic. They may have parents or not. They don’t know what is love and affection. They try to collect food from dawn to dusk. They cannot buy any dress to wear. They wear a torn and dirty dress which they collect from begging. The street children have no particular place to sleep. Wherever they find a place on the street or station, they sleep at night. The street children are seen to push carts, sell flowers, beg from door to door, and carry loads, clean roads, or work in the stall. Thus, they earn their livelihood. They cannot go to school for poverty. So they are deprived of the light of education. They are also deprived of a child’s rights. It is said that today’s child is tomorrow’s future. The conscious of people should grow to take care of them. The government also can take big steps to manage all the street children in a proper way and make them important to all.

Answer 02:

Street children paragraph

The street children live in the street They have no definite place or house to live in. They move here and there on the streets, eat the leftover food from the roadside and sleep at night on the footpaths, railway stations, bus stands, and launch ghats. A street child has no specific address to live. He works on the street and sleeps on the street. He has no formal way of life. His struggle is only to earn his livelihood. If he cannot manage, he starves. If he becomes sick, there is no end to his sufferings. Perhaps he dies and even if he gets remedy anyway he again starts his struggle for livings.  Street children have parents or not. If they have parents, the parents take no care of them let alone their affection or love. The street children are deprived of the mercy of God. They are seen to collect rubbish on the street, carry loads, beg for money, work in the workshop so on. They get a little amount of money in exchange for their work. They pass their days by what they earn. Conscious people should come forward to give them care. If they are properly managed they can do big work for us. We should not hate them. Rather we should show sympathy to them.

Hope these two answers will solve the problem

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