Public university vs private university paragraph

Public university vs private university paragraph

Public university vs private university paragraph

Answer : (200 words)

The university which is primarily funded by the government of a country is called public university. On the other hand, the university which does not receive its primary funding from a government is called private university. Private university is often considered as an educational nonprofit organization. Though both universities offer higher education to the students after HSC level, there are some differences that set them apart. The biggest difference between public and private universities usually lies in the price. Most of the private universities tend to run higher tuition fees than a state-funded public university.  Private universities often possess smaller classrooms and a smaller campus. But public universities hold a large campus with huge transportation facilities. A public university usually offers a large range of programs on different subjects. A public university offers housing facilities to the students. But many private universities do not give housing facilities to the students. In spite of many lacks in facilities, in our country, some private universities are trying to offer a better quality of education to the students. Private and public universities do not offer the same experiences, but any student who wants to succeed in will find valuable lessons at either place.

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