Question: Write a paragraph on “dangers of smoking” in about 180 words .
Answer: (188 words)
Dangers of smoking paragraph
Dangers of smoking are much-talked words to all. Yet people are seen to smoke here and there. Many people take up smoking for different reasons without thinking of its dangerous effects. Some people smoke for just curiosity. Some people smoke owing to stress in their lives and some smoke to remove the frustration of life. But these people are not aware of the dangerous effects of tobacco. Medical evidence strongly says that smoking is related to more than two dozen diseases. For instance, smokers run a great risk of lung and throat cancers, heart attacks, organ damage, high blood pressure, chronic pulmonary troubles, etc. Moreover, students who smoke lose concentration at school. It is found in research that one puff of cigarette smoke contains fifteen billion particles of matter inducing nicotine. These particles are all really very fatal and injurious to our health. ‘Cigarette smoking is injurious to health’. This warning written on the cigarette packets actually does not mean anything for smokers. So we all should avoid it to live a happy and peaceful life. Our government should make a law to stop smoking here and there.
Dangers of smoking paragraph
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